The topic I have chosen is to look at what power the paparazzi have in determining who and what we consider celebrity. This topic interests me because I feel that there are so many magazines and shows that are dedicated to looking at the lives of celebrities. I wonder how much attention people actually pay to things said about these celebrities and how it affects them.
The questions I look to explore are:
What is considered to be celebrity?
How do pictures and news of celebrities affect our lives?
Do the paparazzi really have power over our view of celebrity?
So far I have been watching celebrity news shows like E news and TMZ. I have also been reading magazines like people and newspapers. I have spent some time talking to friends about celebrity news.
For my next steps I will continue my research through the news channels, magazines and conversations with friends about celebrities. This evening I will watch E news and count the amount of times they discuss certain celebrities. I will also be examining various blogs that discuss celebrities and the paparazzi.
In my inquiry process I have already examined the E network website to see what celebrities they have been talking about.
This site is a blog that discusses some of the things celebs are doing. It seems a lot more upbeat and more positive than others that I have been to. On it I saw a story about Jon Gosselin from Jon and Kate plus eight and they have news about the Emmy's.
Another website I've examined is TMZ www.tmz.com. This site focuses a lot on the negative side of celebrity. I saw a piece on John Travolta and an extortion case. There was also a story of an actress who has a stalker who was released.
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