As a NYC driver, I experience all facets of NYC traffic. But the most frustrating aspect of driving in New York is the 'jaywalkers'. You know who they are perhaps you are one of them, crossing the street when the street sign blinks a red man indicating that you can't walk but you do it anyway because getting to your destination is far more important than your life. New York City states that pedestrians always have the right-a-way, however, some pedestrians abuse this right and really disrupt the flow of traffic and the driver who also have a destination to get to.
Therefore, as a driver I want to explore why people jaywalk in New York, this law was established to protect pedestrians from moving traffic but yet there are pedestrians who risk there lives by not walking on the crosswalk. I also will like to explore why this law is not enforced through out all of New York City, I've seen police officers present when people had jaywalked during traffic and they were not stopped or ticketed. As a driver I have experienced people running in front of my car without looking causing me to stop short and having my heart pound heavily on my chest in fear that I almost hit the person. This is an experience I have nearly everyday that I drive and I can never get use to it.
As a result, I intend to do extensive research on jaywalking laws in New York City and how they are enforced. I will also do a survey on everyday New Yorkers to find out their views on jaywalking and whether they ever jaywalked. This inquiry will help me gain further insight as to the laws established to protect the drivers and pedestrians who must share the streets of New York City.
In order, to proceed with this inquiry I must review the two sides of the issue the pedestrians who consider jaywalking laws to strict and the others who feel that these laws should be more enforced. Below are links to other blogs and/or website that will inform me throughout my inquiry:
This blog states the opinions of pedestrians and jaywalking laws in New York and other states.
Nicolas Stephanopoulas is a attorney in Washington D.C. who discusses legal issues and his experiences with the issues. He wrote a piece on jaywalking on the www.huffingtonpost.com.
Though brief I got some opinions from bloggers in other states about the jaywalking laws and whether they are enforced or not.
Though this video is a mockumentary on jaywalking I thought it touches upon the real life incidents that occur when pedestrians jaywalk. This video demonstrates the reasons why people should not jaywalk.
I get it. I understand jay-walking. What I don't understand is how people can cross the street in the middle of the block and not even look around to see if cars are coming. I almost hit a mother with kids. I got so upset I pulled over and called my mother. She said, "It wouldn't have been your fault. You couldn't stop." Still, I don't want to hit anyone.